Village of Kirke Stillinge

Kirke Stillinge Entrance
This is the town to which Claus, Bertha and their family relocated to from Svenstrupmark in 1851. Kirke Stillinge is only 8 miles north of Svenstrup. Kirke-Stillinge is both the name of the town as well as the name of the parish. Since "kirke" is the Danish word for "church," the name for the parish church is Kirke-Stillinge Kirke.

Kirke Stillinge Kirke
This is the church that Claus, Bertha and their family attended from 1851 to their departure in 1853.

Kirke Stillinge Kirke
Kirke Stillinge Kirke entrance.

Church Regulations
This is the posted notice of the church's cemetery regulations. The following is a rough general translation of the cemetery rules:

1) The cemetery is a dedicate spot, and everyone can set an example to see that peace and order are preserve.
2) Bicycles are not allowed at the cemetery.
3) Dogs are only allowed, if on a leash.
4) Wagons are allowed if only licensed as directed by cemetery's captain.
5) Trade jobs can not be done on holiday and after standard working hours have terminated.
6) Kids are only allowed at the cemetery according by age.
7) Grave language and plans can only be remove as directed by cemetery's captain.

Church date
This is an engraved slab with a dedication of the church in 1793. Although the church is over 200 years old, it appears that the brick facing has been replaced.